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Project for Enhancing Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment in and with Japan in the Post- Pandemic Era


The main objective of the project is to enhance EU-Japan bilateral cooperation in the area of gender equality and women’s empowerment, and to promote mainstreaming of gender equality and women's empowerment in the post-pandemic era.​


In order to deepen understanding of gender issues and challenges in Japan and identifying key stakeholders with whom the EU can engage and work together, four experts both from Japan and EU will work in close cooperation. They will exchange experiences and expertise between the EU and Japan and promote collaboration and networking in the areas of economic and social/ political participation and leadership, as well as gender-based violence (GBV) and women peace and security (WPS).​


Renge Jibu

Renge is a Japanese journalist whose speciality is gender and media management policies. She gives advice both to the private and public sector. Together with Patricia, she will be your contact point for the thematic areas "Equal Participation and Leadership", and "Social and Economic Rights". She is the team leader of this project.


Patricia Muñoz

Patricia is a Chilean-Belgian researcher trainer and evaluator. She specialises in gender and intersectional analysis of European development policies and programmes, with focus on social and economic rights. Together with Renge, she will be your contact point for "Equal Participation and Leadership," and "Social Economic Rights".


Yumiko Tanaka

Yumiko is a Japanese expert and researcher specialised in gender and development policies & programs for Japan's official development assistance, with specific focus on women's economic and social empowerment and human security in Africa and Asia-Pacific. Together with Laura, she will be your contact person for the thematic areas, "Gender- based Violence and Women, Peace and Secutiy" and "Social and Economic Rights".


Laura Pasquero

Laura is a consultant working on gender equality and gender-based violence prevention and response programming, research and training in the human rights, development and humanitarian sectors. Together with Yumiko, she will be your contact person for the thematic areas "Gender-based Violence and Women, Peace and Security" and "Social and Economic Rights".

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